Canada Excellence Research Chairs (Cerc) – Busine[…]

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City : Hamilton

Category : Other

Industry : Education

Employer : McMaster University

Hamilton, ON
Canada Excellence Research Chairs Nominees
McMaster University is seeking outstanding researchers from across all business-related disciplines for consideration as Canada Excellence Research Chairs (CERC) nominees. At the DeGroote School of Business our mission is to foster interdisciplinary thinking and evidence-based management to transform business and society.  We are a leader in research, teaching and community building with priority areas that include health care management, digital transformation, AI applications in business, business analytics, socially responsible investing, social entrepreneurship, and EDI issues in business.
The CERC program offers eligible Canadian, degree-granting institutions an opportunity to establish highly-funded research chairs in the areas that align with the Government of Canada’s science, technology and innovation priorities.
Nominees must be full professors or associate professors expected to be promoted to full professor within one or two years of the nomination. Alternatively, if they come from outside the academic sector, nominees must possess the qualifications necessary to be appointed at these levels.
Researchers who hold a full-time academic appointment at a Canadian institution are eligible to be nominated; however, they may not be nominated by the institution at which they currently hold their appointment. If an institution nominates a researcher who is currently at a Canadian institution, the institution must demonstrate the net benefit to the country in moving the researcher from one Canadian institution to another. Please consult the  Canada Excellence Research Chairs Program website for full program information, including further details on eligibility criteria.
McMaster University is located on the traditional territories of the Haudenosaunee and Mississauga Nations, and within the lands protected by the Dish With One Spoon wampum agreement.
McMaster's main campus, located in the Westdale neighbourhood of Hamilton, Ontario, is comprised of 300 acres of scenic property at the western end of Lake Ontario, between Toronto and Niagara Falls. Our 30-acre central core is designated for pedestrians and bicyclists. Nearby attractions include Cootes Paradise, the Bruce Trail, the Waterfront Trail, the Royal Botanical Gardens, and the Niagara Escarpment, a UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve. The Ron Joyce Centre in Burlington is the home of the DeGroote School of Business’ MBA and executive education programs. The facility and its programs form a hub for academic and economic collaboration in Burlington and the Halton Region. The successful candidate will be expected to contribute to the School’s academic programs at both its Hamilton and Burlington locations.
Founded in 1887, McMaster University is one of only four Canadian universities ranked among the top 80 in the world by the Times Higher Education World University Rankings for 2022. Home to more than 70 research centres and institutes, McMaster is comprised of six faculties: the DeGroote School of Business, and the Faculties of Engineering, Health Sciences, Humanities, Science, and Social Sciences. Named Canada’s most research-intensive university in 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020 by Research Infosource, McMaster is dedicated to teaching, learning and service. With a student population of more than 36,000, McMaster welcomes students from 120 countries as well as Canada.
McMaster has a vision to achieve international distinction for creativity, innovation and excellence as a research-intensive, student-centred university. In committing to that vision, we are also focused on the promotion of inclusive excellence, recognizing the critical role that diversity of identity, background and perspective play in harnessing creativity and innovation, and the importance of building inclusive and collegial teams within our community.
Selection Criteria
McMaster’s nominees for the Canada Excellence Research Chairs program will be selected in accordance with the following criteria:
1.   Research/academic merit and leadership skills of the candidate The candidate is a top-tier researcher whose accomplishments have made a major societal impact (as appropriate based on career stage) and who is recognized internationally as a leader. In cases where the candidate is a Canadian Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) researcher based in Canada, the impact can be at the international level and/or at the community, regional or national level. Quality and impact of the candidate’s research track record, including their record of service to the research community (e.g., service on peer review committees, faculty recruitment committees, advisory committees). The candidate’s record of attracting and mentoring a diverse group of students, trainees and research personnel, and establishing an equitable and inclusive research environment. The candidate’s plan for establishing and maintaining a diverse core team (at the student, trainee, personnel and early-career researcher levels), and an environment that is safe and inclusive and allows all team members to reach their full research potential (e.g., through the recruitment and outreach strategy, equitable training opportunities, professional development and mentoring).
2.   Quality of the research program Extent to which the proposed research program aligns with one or more of the Government of Canada’s science, technology and innovation priority areas for the CERC program. Extent to which the proposed research program promises to be world-leading in the field. Extent to which the proposed research program enhances knowledge mobilization and translation so that all sectors of society (industry, government, academia, not-for-profit, etc.) benefit from the research and data generated. Quality of the proposed research program in terms of how it has embedded EDI considerations (i.e., GBA+ or SGBA+) at each stage of the research process (research questions, design, methodology, data collection, analysis and interpretation, and dissemination of results), as applicable. Quality of the proposed research program in terms of how research is co-created and co-led by and with First Nations, Inuit and Métis people, as investigators, trainees, partners and collaborators, and its recognition of Indigenous ways of knowing (as applicable).
3.   Potential contribution to the excellence of the Canadian and international research ecosystem Likelihood that the work associated with the proposed research program will be recognized as globally relevant and will advance the frontiers of research in the field on a global scale. Opportunities for collaboration with other researchers working in the same or related areas at the nominating institution, in the same region, within Canada and abroad. Likelihood that the work of the proposed Chair will advance Canada’s reputation as a global centre for science, research and innovation excellence. Plan of the Chair and core team members to communicate the research results and their impacts to the world and a variety of audiences. Potential to apply the research results from the Chair to advance public policy and/or the potential to commercialize research discoveries from the Chair in order to create social and economic advantages for Canada
In keeping with its Statement on Building an Inclusive Community with a Shared Purpose, McMaster University strives to embody the values of respect, collaboration and diversity, and has a strong commitment to employment equity. The diversity of our workforce is at the core of our innovation and creativity and strengthens our research and teaching excellence. The University seeks qualified candidates who share our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion. While all qualified candidates are invited to apply, we particularly welcome applications from women, First Nations, Métis and Inuit people, members of racialized communities, persons with disabilities, and members of the 2SLGBTQI+ community.
How to Apply
Please apply online by April 18 via the McMaster Academic Careers website: [Faculty Positions], addressing your application documents to:
Dr. Gillian Mulvale, Associate Dean Graduate Studies and Research, DeGroote School of Business, McMaster University, TSH 613 1280 Main Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada L8S 4E8.
Interested applicants should submit by April 18: letter of application demonstrating how the candidate meets the selection criteria outlined above (2 pages); curriculum vitae (5 pages); research statement (2-3 pages); teaching statement (2 pages); statement on equity, diversity and inclusion (2-3 pages) describing how the candidate has or will advance the University’s commitment to building an inclusive community and to fostering a culture which embraces and promotes the rich diversity of the campus community (activities may include diversity-related programming, committee work and/or mentoring women and/or other groups that have been historically marginalized or disadvantaged); a selection of research publications; and the names and contact information of at least three referees (with postal and email addresses) who are established authorities in the field, who are not in a conflict of interest, and at least one of whom is from a recognized international authority in the candidate’s field who does not reside in the country in which the candidate is currently working. In cases where the applicant is a Canadian Indigenous (First Nations, Inuit or Métis) researcher based in Canada, the name and contact information of an international referee is not required.
The Canada Excellence Research Chair program requires institutions to collect self-identification data from all applicants, in accordance with best practices. As part of McMaster’s efforts to fulfill our commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, all applicants will be required to submit a brief online survey as part of the application process. While completion of the survey is mandatory, applicants may choose to decline to answer any one or more of the questions. Applicant self-identification information is confidential and will be collected and stored by designated personnel in Human Resource Services and the Research Office for Administration, Development & Support (ROADS) for institutional planning purposes and to meet reporting requirements. Information will be shared with members of the Search Committee in aggregate form to track the diversity of candidate pools. Identifiable information may also be shared with the Search Committee Chair and Equity Advisor, as needed, to support equitable recruitment and selection processes. For more information, please refer to the Applicant Diversity Survey – Statement of Collection. Should you have any further questions about the survey, please contact
McMaster University recognizes the potential impact that career interruptions and personal circumstances (e.g., pregnancy, early childcare, eldercare, illness, etc.) can have on a candidate’s record of research achievement. We encourage candidates to explain in their applications the impact that career interruptions or other issues may have had, as described under “Career Interruptions” at CRC’s Guidelines for ensuring a fair and transparent recruitment and nomination process at Further detail may be found under Guidelines for Assessing the Productivity of Nominees at
Applications are requested by April 18, 2022.
Job applicants requiring accommodation to participate in the hiring process should contact the Human Resources Service Centre at 905-525-9140 ext. 222-HR (22247) to communicate accommodation needs.
Vacination Policy Statement
The University is committed to providing and maintaining healthy and safe working and learning environments for all employees, students, volunteers and visitors.  In accordance with the University’s Vaccination Policy-COVID-19 Requirements for Employees and Students, effective October 18, 2021 all McMaster community members, including employees, accessing a McMaster campus or facility in person are required to be fully vaccinated or to have received an exemption from the University for a valid human rights ground. This is a term and condition of employment. The University will continue to follow the guidance of public health organizations to define fully vaccinated status.   
Further information is available at the following link: More information on the University’s Health and Safety framework is available online at
Questions regarding the above requirements or any accommodation requests through the recruitment process can be directed to your HR contact.

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