Real Estate Council of British Columbia (RECBC)

As part of RECBC’s diversity and inclusion efforts and progress in our strategy, we have completed organizational initiatives to create awareness. RECBC has introduced training for our staff including Unconscious bias for hiring, Systemic Racism in the Canadian Context and Gender Based Analysis Plus (GBA+). To continue to support our Diversity and Inclusion awareness and initiatives, we spotlighted Transgender Awareness Month and LGBTQ2+ by providing awareness and resources for staff who may identify as LBGTQ2+ or have someone in their family or friend circle who identify as LBGTQ2+.

Established in 1958, the Real Estate Council of British Columbia (RECBC) is a regulatory agency whose mandate is to protect the public's interest by regulating and enforcing the real estate licensing and licensee conduct requirements. At RECBC, we ensure that the interests of consumers who use real estate services are adequately protected against professional misconduct. To fulfill our responsibility for ensuring that the interests of consumers who use the services of licensed real estate professionals are adequately protected, we take action in four main areas: Education, Licencing, Audit Program and Investigations & Discipline.
In both 2019 and 2020, RECBC proudly earned the Great Place to Work certification, and was named as a Best Workplace Managed by Women.

Commitment to Diversity

RECBC strives to be:

  • a diverse organization where a variety of social and cultural characteristics exist
  • an inclusive organization where each person feels valued and connected, and where we can be safe to express our authentic selves
  • an equitable organization that guarantees fair treatment, access, opportunity and advancement for all

Vision for the Future

RECBC strives to:

  • be fully representative of the BC population we protect (consumers of real estate services) and serve (real estate professionals)
  • identify and eliminate barriers to full participation of some groups and ensure processes and programs are impartial, fair and provide equal possible outcomes for each individual
  • participate in the diversity, inclusion and equity ecosystem as a partner and ally combating systemic discrimination of all kinds


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