Webinar Series 2019-2020

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Pride at Work Canada 2019-2020 Webinar Series Schedule

Please note these are our English version webinars only.  Our French language webinars for the 2019-20 schedule will be posted soon. Stay tuned!

All webinars take place on Wednesdays from 12 pm to 1 pm EST. For description details and registration, follow the accompanying links. Webex details will be emailed to you closer to the date for which you registered.

FALL 2019
Indigenous Gender Diversity

Presenter: Gabriel Castilloux Calderón (They/Them), Treasurer, Edmonton 2 Spirit Society

Description: Indigenous Gender Diversity will delve into traditional teachings on the diverse roles people of varying genders participated in within their communities. Two-spirit and LGBTQ+ Indigenous workers and job seekers experience many barriers in the workplace. This webinar will cover two-spirit identity, ways we can be more inclusive towards two-spirit people in the workplace, and how to empower the two-spirit community to overcome societal barriers to access resources and supports.

Gender Diversity in the Era of Big Data

Presenter: Kai Scott (He/Him), Principle Partner, TransFocus

Description: Recent societal shifts have brought transgender issues to the forefront for companies. In particular, the gender demographic question on forms and surveys with only binary responses of “female” and “male” has surfaced as an important issue to tackle, yet surprisingly complex to solve. The presenter will share key insights from working across many industries with varying needs for gender data about how to balance meaningful changes with practical realities.

Defying Definition: Keeping Up with Changing Vocabulary

Presenter: Colin Druhan (he/him), Executive Director, Pride at Work Canada

Description: Should I still use LGBT or should it be LGBTQ2+ now? What does Queer mean? What’s the difference between Trans and Transgender? What should I do if I make a mistake? There are no simple answers to these questions, as the LGBTQ2+ communities are creative and diverse. The vocabulary we use when talking about diverse gender expressions, gender identities and sexual orientations is very important, but it’s also constantly shifting. This webinar will help you think differently about some of the most common questions related to commonly used vocabulary in our communities and how to receive feedback about the language we use. Utilizing examples from the Pride at Work Canada’s networking breakfasts, and questions we’ve received from our 100+ National and Regional partners we will review considerations for your communications strategies.

Webinaire national : créer des milieux de travail inclusifs et exempts de transphobie.

Presenter: Marie Isabelle Gendron (she/her)

This webinar is solely in French.

Intersectional Allyship in the Workplace

Presenter: Cicely Belle Blain (they/she), Cicely Blain Consulting

Description: This webinar provides participants to delve deep into the meaning of allyship and answer the questions: How can we be life-long allies to marginalized communities? How can we embrace the discomfort of acknowledging our own privilege? How can we move towards workplace solidarity? The answers to these key questions will expose our biases and draw us closer to more inclusive and respectful spaces. Using intersectionality as a lens helps us to recognize how are identities and experiences are informed by systemic oppression and most importantly, how our allyship should recognize this too. Join for an engaging conversation with interactive activities.

(French) At the intersection of allyship and oppression: How to be an ally in an increasingly diverse world

Presenter: Eliot Waddingham (they/them), Genderbandit Consulting, & Sam Asselin-Maillox (they/them)

Description: The concept of being an “ally” is now in common parlance; after all, “it’s 2020”. But what do we do when being an ally is complicated? How, for example, can I be an ally to 2SLGSBTQ+ people and to people of colour? How do I correct myself when I make a mistake? Join us for an open, practical, and interactive discussion.

Employee Assistance Plans from an LGBTQ2+ Inclusive Provider’s Perspective

Presenter: Deepak Kashyap (he/him), Toronto Mindfulness Centre

Description: Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) are designed to support employees, but admittedly many fall short for the LGBTQ2+ community. Increasingly however, tailored programs will streamline LGBTQ2+ people to LGBTQ2+ inclusive providers. Deepak Kashyap is one of those inclusive providers having worked with EAP programs as a counselor while also as a corporate trainer. During this webinar you will get another window into EAP provision as Deepak will discuss how his practice is more inclusive from other providers, and some of the experiences that he has heard from his clients. You will also learn the challenges faced by mental health EAP providers, and ways that organizations can improve the experience of LGBTQ2+ employees.

Economic Activism through Supplier Diversity

Presenter: Danny Papadatos, CGLCC

Description: In ensuring that LGBT+ owned and controlled businesses are given the opportunity to compete in the procurement process, Canada’s LGBT+ Chamber of Commerce (CGLCC) works with our Corporate and Government Partners to remove barriers and deepen their efforts in Diversity and Inclusion for today’s entrepreneurs. In this session, we will explore Supplier Diversity further and provide insight into today’s Canadian LGBT+ business landscape, while providing takeaways to help move the dial forward and support more of today’s LGBT+ entrepreneurs.

(French) Tips for Using Language that is Inclusive of LGBTQ2+ Realities

Presenter: Marie-Ève Martin, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM)

Description: In this webinar, we will start by revisiting key concepts around sexual and gender diversity (sex assigned at birth, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression), explore the discrimination and microaggressions that LGBTQ2+ people face, and discuss some simple steps that can be taken to specifically promote trans and non-binary inclusion in the workplace as well as in all interactions (e.g. asking for and using LGBTQ2+ people’s names and pronouns, favouring unisex terms or gender-neutral language, etc).

Gender-Inclusive Workplace Policies: Where are we in Canada? Where could we be?
Presenter: Bretton Fosbrook (He/Him, They/Them)

Description: In Canada, organizations across sectors have recently begun to acknowledge and attempt to address these disparities in the form of a variety of transgender inclusion best practices and policies. For example, federal antidiscrimination legislation has been adjusted to explicitly include gender identity and gender expression as protected grounds under the Canadian Human Rights Act. Other policies have included washroom retrofitting, employee resource groups, mentorship programs and targeted hiring. However, there have been no longitudinal analyses of the saturation of the numerous trans inclusion policies, or their effects; companies are left to interpret what trans inclusion mean for themselves.

Exploring the Plus in LGBTQ2+

Presenter: Hilary Mutch (she/her), Centre for Sexuality

Description: The LGBTQ2+ community encompasses a broad range of sexual and gender identities. There is much to learn about each group, and professionals often receive information about only the first few letters in this acronym. Did you ever have questions about identities like intersex, asexual, pansexual or aromantic? In this webinar we will discuss what intersex means, the spectrum of sexual and romantic attraction and how labels can support individuals in defining and exploring their identity as well as finding community.

French webinar – Info coming soon.
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